Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Only smarties have the answer!

You can construct a smarties box using the following two tools: * Construct the base of the prism by using the regular polygon tool (6 vertices) Toolbar Image * Use the prism Toolbar Imageor extrude to prism Toolbar Imagetool. To add the 'open/close' functions, simply use the Net Toolbar Imagetool. Or you can open the applet below in your smartphone or tablet by searching for the following code: ttdbj7vq

Calculate the surface area of a smarties box using augmented reality

Open up the applet and augment against a smarties box. If the height of a smarties box is 114mm, can you estimate the surface area? You may find the formula below helpful! For a regular hexagon of length a, the surface area is given by: Surface area of regular hexagon =