Uniform Convergent


Uniform Convergence Explained

 Sequence of functions , 2, 3, ... is said to be uniformly convergent to  for a set  of values of  if, for each , an integer  can be found such that
for  and all .A series  converges uniformly on  if the sequence  of partial sums defined by
converges uniformly on .To test for uniform convergence, use Abel's uniform convergence test or the Weierstrass M-test. If individual terms  of a uniformly converging series are continuous, then the following conditions are satisfied.1. The series sum
is continuous.2. The series may be integrated term by term
For example, a power series  is uniformly convergent on any closed and bounded subset inside its circle of convergence.3. The situation is more complicated for differentiation since uniform convergence of  does not tell anything about convergence of . Suppose that  converges for some , that each  is differentiable on , and that  converges uniformly on . Then  converges uniformly on  to a function , and for each ,