Trigonometric Ratios and Functions
This is my collection of trigonometry materials, from junior to senior levels. Some items are copied or adapted from the gMath site.
There are also Desmos activities with similar design in my collection page, especially the core idea of using and emphasising the unit circle in the process of learning.

Right Triangles
All Triangles
Unit Circle
- unwind to understand radian
- 任意角的三角比
- trigonometric ratios for all angles
- rectangular vs polar (1)
- rectangular vs polar (2a)
- rectangular vs polar (2b)
- unit circle and symmetry
- Unit Circle & Symmetry (Practice)
- unit circle pattern 1
- unit circle pattern 2
- parametric
- unit circle pattern example
- polar and spiral
- Polar and Rectangular
- Introduction to Polar Coordinates 極坐標簡介
- 極坐標測驗
making patterns and animation