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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Bézier-Curve and de Casteljau's algorithm

n -number of interpolating segments Frame=Sequence( ((1 - t_o) points(j) + t_o points(j + 1)), j, 1, Length(points) - 1) flattenF1=Sequence(Sequence((1 - l / n) points(j) + l / n points(j + 1), j, 1, Length(points) - 1), l, 1, n) flattenF2=Sequence({flattenSeg1(j, 1) + j / n (flattenSeg1(j, 2) - flattenSeg1(j, 1)), flattenSeg1(j, 2) + j / n (flattenSeg1(j, 3) - flattenSeg1(j, 2))}, j, 1, n) flattenT=Sequence(flattenSeg2(j, 1) + j / n (flattenSeg2(j, 2) - flattenSeg2(j, 1)), j, 1, n)