Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Conic sections


Intersect an infinite cone with a plane to create a conic section and move the plane to explore the different types of conic sections.

Explore the construction...


1.Toolbar Image Select the Point tool and create two points A = (0, 0, 0) and B = (0, 0, 4).
2.Toolbar ImageEnter InfiniteCone(A, B - A, 30°)  into the Input Bar and hit the Enter key to create a cone.
Toolbar Image Enter C = (-2, -4, 3), D = (-1, 4, 3) and E = (4, -4, 1) into the Input Bar to create three points.
3.Toolbar ImageCreate a plane through the points C, D and E by using the Plane through 3 Points tool and selecting the three points.
4.Toolbar ImageIntersect the cone and the plane by using the Intersect Two Surfaces tool and successively click on the two objects to create the conic.
5.Right-click the conic and select Create 2D view from c in the appearing context menu. 
Toolbar ImageHint: Reduce the size of the appearing view and use the Move Graphics View tool to center the conic.
6.Enhance your construction using the Style Bar.

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