Google Classroom
GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra



Rotate a function around the y-axis to create a surface. Explore the construction and explore how to rotate a function with GeoGebra 3D Calculator. Then try it yourself by following the instructions below.

Explore the construction...


Note: In the Mobile App, the option y-axis is vertical isn't available yet. Just skip this first step and your construction will be rotated by 90°.
1.In the Settings select tab Basic and activate the checkbox next to y-axis is vertical. You can also change the size of the clipping box on this tab. Go back and open the Settings again to hide the plane and show the grid.
2.To create a function with a restricted domain enter into the Input Bar.
3.Type into the next row and press Enter to create a slider. Now change the domain to and the step to . For these changes select the More button next to the slider and choose Settings.
Note: In the Online App switch to tab Slider to change these values. Another way is to select the min/max value of the slider in the Algebra View to make these changes.
4.Enter the Command into the Input Bar.
5.Change the value of the slider and explore your construction. Note: Activate the  Play button next to the slider to animate your construction.
6.Select Settings to discover different Projections.

Try it yourself...

Augmented Reality

If you're using GeoGebra 3D Calculator on a mobile device you can switch to AR mode to place your created math objects on any flat surface (e.g. table, floor, ...) around you and walk around them. Explore your constructions from a new perspective!