GeoGebra Contributor

Would you like to:

  • Work closely with the GeoGebra team and help to improve GeoGebra?
  • Support your local community by translating GeoGebra to your language?
  • Create high-quality resources and share them with our community?
If so, then the GeoGebra Contributor role is just for you!


As a GeoGebra Contributor, you may do any of the following:
  • create high-quality GeoGebra activities
  • translate apps / website
  • beta-test new features
  • participate in user-experience interviews.
Please find more details about suggested GeoGebra Contributor Tasks.

Application & Recognition

After we have checked your application and you are confirmed as a Contributor, you will receive a GeoGebra Contributor badge that you may then use as part of your email signature and social media profiles. This title image also contains the current year and can be renewed annually.


As a GeoGebra Contributor, you will have the special right to publish GeoGebra activities which will also then be listed on search engines like Google. These rights are reserved for trusted community members in order to promote high-quality resources just like yours.

Another Contributor benefit is that you will receive early information about new features. Based on our point system, we will also feature the work of the most active Contributors on our Social Media pages and in our newsletter.

Annual Renewal

Once a year, you will be asked to fill out a short form about your activities. A point system will help us determine whether your Contributor status will be extended. In this case, you will receive a new banner image which shows your Contributor status for the updated year.