Adding Fractions with Like Denominators in Word Problems
Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators (without regrouping) in number and word problems.
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Adding Fractions with Like Denominators in Word Problems
Solve word problems using fractions with like denominators in this activity.
Putting It All Together
Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.
Open-ended question 1
When you add 2 fractions with the same denominator, what is the denominator in the solution?
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Open-ended question 2
How do you find the numerator of the fraction in the solution?
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Open-ended question 3
When you add 2 fractions together, how can you tell when the sum will make 1 whole?
Text and math input
Open-ended question 4
After moving the fractions in place, set the first numerator to 1 then set the second numerator to the maximum value using the sliders. Then set the the first numerator to a higher value. What do you notice? Why is it not possible to have a sum that is greater than 1?
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