Pre Algebra GT 8
In this course children will learn Pre Algebra. This course has been designed for teachers to teach their students. Thanks, and have fun learining!

Table of Contents
Rigid Transformation
- Introduction to Rigid vs Non-Rigid Motion Transformations
- Rigid Motions of the Plane
- What is Rigid?
- Gettin' into Rigid
- Lesson 2, Rigid Movements
- Transformations Recap - Identification #1
- Lesson 3, Rigidness on Graphs
- Making the Moves
- Reflections, Translations and Grids
- Exploring Reflections
- Reflections Exploration
- Rigid Transformation Check-in
- World of Tanslations
- "No Bending, No stretching"
- Homework
- Unit 1 Lesson 9
- Rotations/Dilations
- Extra Units/Rigid
- Mathematics 8
- Messing With Lisa
- Quiz/Post Assesment
- Putting It All Together
Percent, Ratios and Tables
Plotting/Linear Equations
Dilations, Similarity and Equations
Functions and Volume
- Back to Geometery
- Diggin' in to Circumference
- Surface Area
- Functions, Linear Equations and Proportional Figures
- DIfferent Kind of Slope
- "No Slope, or Gentle Slope"?
- "Area in Functions" ~ Grade 7-9 Mathematics
- Practice Resource
- Piecewise Linear Functions
- Dotted Functions Part 2
- Coorindinacantional Figures and their Areas
- Will It fit?
- Thinking Ahead (8.GEO.90) Optional
- Lesson 14 Classwork
- Lesson 15-16 ~ Optional
- Assesment
Linear Functions Part 2