| Select the Freeform tool and draw a polygon.
Hint: Select the first point again to close your polygon. |
 | Display a ruler on the canvas by selecting the Ruler tool.
Note: The Bounding Box of the ruler will appear too. |
 | Use the handles of the Bounding Box to change the size of the ruler. |
| Rotate and move the ruler on the canvas per drag and drop to measure the side lengths of your polygon. |
 | Select the Ruler tool again to deactivate the ruler. |
or | Display a protractor by selecting the Protractor or the Triangle protractor tool.
Note: The Bounding Box of the protractor will appear too.
 | Use the handles of the Bounding Box to change the size of the protractor. |
| Rotate and move the protractor on the canvas per drag and drop to measure the angles of your polygon. |
or  | Select the Protractor or the Triangle protractor tool again to deactivate the protractor. |