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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Investigating similar figures

ABCD and EFGH are similar quadrilaterals. You can change the shape of ABCD by dragging the points and you can change the size of EFGH with the size slider.

What do you notice about the angles of similar figures?

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What do you notice about the sides of similar figures?

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In order for the triangles to be similar. All sides must have the same scale factor and all angles are congruent. Move the scale factor slider and check both boxes. Click all that are true about the triangles above.

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Is knowing that all of the sides have the same scale factor enough to force triangles to be similar?

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Is forcing the triangle to have 2 sides to have the same scale factor and the angle between the 2 sides to be congruent enough to force the triangles to be similar? Move the sliders and click the checkboxes to make your decision.

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Is having 2 sets of congruent angles enough to force the sides to be proportional and the triangles to be similar? Move the sliders to make your decision.

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