Proof with Math

Proof with Math

Differential Calculus is used to determine how far stars are from our point in the existential continuum, it is also used in engineering and programming. A parallax does this by measuring the light energy to establish the distance from our position. We are using differential calculus because it has many applications. "In 1989, the European Space Agency (ESA) launched an orbiting telescope called Hipparcos (named after Hipparchus). Its main purpose was to measure stellar distances using parallax with an accuracy of 2–4 milliarcseconds (mas), or thousandths of an arcsecond. According to their website, “ESA’s Hipparcos satellite pinpointed more than 100,000 stars, 200 times more accurately than ever before.” Their results are available in an online searchable catalog. The ESA’s successor mission to Hipparcos is Gaia, which was launched into Earth orbit in 2013. ESA describes it as “an ambitious mission to chart a three-dimensional map of our galaxy, the Milky Way, in the process revealing the composition, formation and evolution of the galaxy.” The satellite has already obtained distances of 1 billion stars, about 1 percent of all the stars in the Milky Way, and produced spectacular 3D maps. [Related: Milky Way's Structure Mapped in Unprecedented Detail]-"." By using Quaternions as my scale for understanding time, and I started at year 1, which is also year 0, the first year in existence and I calculated the answer using Differential Calculus. Thus, I call the math used for this project, "Quaternion Differential Calculus". To explain space using this increment of time, I had to develop a method of figuring out how to think that quickly if I was given enough time to figure out how to function on that rate of existence. By using quaternion seconds plus all time I was able to stretch out the scale mentally so that I could function on a graspable level of processing on the smallest amount of time existing as of today April 24th 2020, 06:34. Dimensional space- I was having trouble picturing a trajectory, in all the nonsense that you get when you start breaking time down, on a scale of quaternion seconds and figuring out the growth rate of such a thing; along with differential calculus and basic algebra. Then I started picturing it on a 3D plane in a snapshot of time. That's when I applied geometry to discover\create the Binomial Polyhedron. Formula: I used 1+((1/3)-1)^4 to conceptualize the Binomial Polyhedron. The whole idea is, that we are using a higher dimension of space to rationalize and therefor quantify the lower dimension. That is...We live in a three-dimensional reality, or at least we perceive it as a three-dimensional reality, in our conscious minds. So I used a fourth dimension to explain dimension to understand 3-Dimensional space and time. Why is that relevant?... Because once I can quantify and convert that information into a state of third dimensional forces of reality. I can process it because that is the dimension I spend most of my waking moments. Once I was done quantifying it I was able to contextualize it ,on a level of my understanding; which is the three-dimensionally based reality. *Easter egg* !U(We rely on our sense of sight, which requires light to see, light is used to determined patterns of quantification that requires 3D objects, but without this 3D plane, how would we navigate the Omniverse?* (If you Answer this question, ill give you a gift, which is another unreleased tool for navigating the hyper-dimensional space-time continuum free of charge. Only the first 5 emails will receive the gift; it could be a formula, it could be mechanism for processing uncountable outcomes...I guess you'll see)!!!*** P.S.... The "P.W."is Our Vector creating tool... must include the "P.W.", with your name in the subject title... Happy hunting!!! Practical application of this formula: Can be used to calculate the growth rate of Covid-19. This is a significant find because it tells us exactly how to avoid infection on a global scale. Here is a link for the explanation with visual references. Link: