
You can also take a GeoGebra Book (collection of GeoGebra Activities) and create a class from it. We will illustrate how to do this using this Book with the link below: This Book contains 2 Activities.
  • The first Activity contains 1 app and 2 questions = 3 tasks total.
  • The second Activity contains 2 apps and 4 questions = 6 tasks total.
  • Thus, once you create a Class from this GeoGebra Book, you will get a Class with 9 tasks total.
We illustrate this in the brief video below.

In general

To create a Class from a GeoGebra Book,
  • Select the CREATE CLASS button located in the upper right hand corner to create the Class.
  • The number of tasks for students to complete is equal to the total number of apps and questions that appear within the entire book.
  • For students, the tasks will be numbered chronologically and will appear in the same order they appear in the book.

How to create a class from a GeoGebra book