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An astronomy game: Introducing the Solar System and outer space based on the Bee-bot/Code and Go robots (or similar)

[size=100]Photo by: Elena Peribáñez[/size]
Photo by: Elena Peribáñez

Abstract: This activity gives an overview of how to design and implement activities for preschool children (3-7 years old). The aim of the activity is on the one hand, to create a model for the evaluation of digital competences for STEAM learning; on the other hand, to generate learning modules for the development of STEAM competences among teachers of different teaching levels (childhood and first year of primary education) by using an educational robot. Educational robotics has proven to be a useful and effective tool in the classroom for the development of cognitive skills, the improvement of creativity or the resolution of challenges proposed by teachers. It is usually introduced in primary school (>6 years old), but we believe that the early introduction of basic robotics, and other activities involving technology, is becoming increasingly necessary. Keywords: Gamification, educational robot, augmented reality (AR), solar system. Resource list: One programmable educational robot (Bee-bot or Code & Go robot) for each team (2-4 members) of students; printer and cardboard/paper; one controlling device (iPad or Android tablet to an AR experience) for each student team with an Augmented Reality viewer app installed. Can be performed on the floor or on a table.

The background and importance of the topic

Educational robotics has proven to be a useful and effective tool in the classroom for the development of cognitive skills, the improvement of creativity or the resolution of challenges proposed by teachers. It is usually introduced in primary school (>6 years old), but we believe that the early introduction of basic robotics, and other activities involving technology, is becoming increasingly necessary. Our activity proposals have been successfully tested in several institutions. Our recommendation is to work on computational thinking without devices (disconnected robotics), in Phase 1. There is an enrichment proposal that includes Augmented Reality for a Phase 2, depending on the characteristics of the children. 1. The Solar System and the curricula in kindergarten The official curricula include the obligation to learn about the solar system and elements related to space, from an early age. In kindergarten, children are already informed, in a basic way, about some elements and characteristics of the Solar System, for example, that it takes its name from the star that occupies the center of the system and that it is “very old” (about 4,600 million years old). Or that various astronomical or celestial bodies orbit around the Sun.  The Sun, as a star, has its own light and generates a great amount of energy, unlike the planets, which do not generate their own light. At this stage, children can also be introduced to the types of planets as well as the major planets. In order of proximity to the Sun, we can mention the endoplanets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Also, children can learn that these 4 planets closest to the Sun are small and rocky, as opposed to the other 4 planets farthest from the Sun, which are gas giants. At this stage, teachers may alternate the presentation of photographs, with children's adaptations of the Solar System. (Fig. 1). 

[left][size=100][/size][size=85][size=100]Fig.  1  Solar System: an adaptation for children
Image source: EESA, [url=][/url][/size][/size][url=][/url][/left]

Fig.  1  Solar System: an adaptation for children Image source: EESA,

Children should also know about the four large exoplanets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Also, children can learn about asteroids: Behind the four exoplanets, there is an asteroid belt called the Kuiper Belt (circumstellar disk in the outer solar system, beyond Neptune, much more extensive, 20 times wider and 20 to 200 times more massive than the asteroid belt beyond Mars).

2. More astronomical objects

In the theoretical sessions within this activity, we can also discuss the existence of other celestial bodies present in the Solar System: in addition to the major planets, the minor or dwarf planets, natural satellites, asteroids (meteorites are fragments of asteroids) and comets (fragments of ice, rock, and gas; Fig.2).

[left][size=100]Fig. 2  Solar System: an adaptation for children 
Image source: EESA, [url=][/url][/size][/left]

Fig. 2  Solar System: an adaptation for children Image source: EESA,

In the main activity, some minor planets or dwarf planets have been included. Among them, Pluto, considered until 2006 the smallest planet in the Solar System, is now classified as a dwarf planet. Because of its large size, compared to the other dwarf planets, Pluto is considered "the King of the Kuiper Belt". Pluto is very similar in size to Ceres, Makemake and Eris. In addition to the Moon, the satellite that orbits the Earth, it can be explained that other planets have their "own moons" (natural satellites that orbit around them), each with its own name, although at this level it is not necessary to learn their names. Regarding natural satellites, Mercury and Venus do not have any. Mars has 2, the giant Jupiter has 67 (among them one of the largest is called "Europa").  Saturn has 61, Uranus 27, and Neptune 13.

3. Movements of the planets and moons

Other concepts that can be explained at this educational stage are the rotation of the planets around the Sun (orbit), which is different from the rotation of the Sun and the planets on their own axis (rotation). Nicolaus Copernicus (15th century) and Galileo Galilei (16th century) can be introduced at this point. In the case of the Moon, other elements that can be introduced are the visible changes that can be detected on the visible face of Earth's natural satellite during a "lunar cycle" (the "phases of the Moon''), explaining how the part we see (the visible illuminated part of the Moon surface) varies according to its position with respect to the Earth and the Sun. This way, children can learn the concepts of new Moon, crescent Moon, waning Moon, and full Moon. At this point, the concept of "eclipse" can be introduced: solar eclipse, when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and casts its shadow on the Earth; and lunar eclipse, when the Moon passes through the Earth's shadow. Cultural elements linked to the Moon and its phases can also be introduced.

4.  Exploring space: space travelers

At this educational stage, other anthropic issues can already be introduced, such as space travel or objects that are launched into space. Regarding the first issue, space travels are those that take place in outer space. Let us remember that when these trips exceed the orbit of the Earth and the Moon, they are called interplanetary trips, leaving the name of interstellar trips to those that leave the Solar System. This type of trips and launching of artifacts (such as communication satellites or space probes) have been carried out to date for different purposes: scientific, military, communications, and now… even for tourism. Around this theme, new challenges arise, such as the establishment of stable bases on the moon, or the creation of the first base camp on Mars.

The activity description

This section describes an activity, its pedagogical objectives, and the materials proposed to be developing. The activity has been designed to be carried out together with a programmable educational robot (PER), like many of those currently available on the market (Fig. 3).  The proposed PER for this stage is easily programmable by children and teachers, without the need to use tablets or other devices. Teachers will be able to develop the activity materials by "traditional" means or by taking advantage of the opportunity to improve their digital skills. The introduction of PER and technologies (such as AR) in this activity seeks to improve the effectiveness of teaching interventions (generating greater interest, motivation, and active engagement of students during learning), promoting greater individual and collective interaction with students (teacher-student), while also facilitating the generation of collaborative environments, communication, and cooperation among children. In addition to encouraging participation and involvement, the introduction of PER and the proposed activities facilitate the development of computational thinking, while working on visio-spatial processing.

1.    Pedagogical/didactic objectives

The first step is always to establish the pedagogical objectives of the activity to be carried out, based on the curricular obligations. In this case, the basic activity (and the complementary or enrichment actions proposed) contribute to the achievement of the target skills at this stage or educational cycle, particularly to part of the general objectives of the "area of knowledge of the environment" and, through one of the enrichment proposals, of the "area of self-knowledge". Among the objectives of the area of knowledge of the environment are to observe and explore the natural environment; to develop creativity, to initiate in the knowledge of sciences, among others.

Those objectives could include, inter alia:

  • To know some elements of the Universe, the Solar System (planets and some celestial bodies, including the position and characteristics of the planet Earth compared to the other planets of the Solar System); the rotation of the planets around the Sun and about themselves; the Moon (phases and eclipses) and the existence of other "moons" or natural satellites orbiting other planets.
  • To learn about space travel, inventions and technologies used to explore space (such as rockets or the International Space Station) and for our daily lives (such as communication satellites).
  • Exercise basic notions of measurement and comparisons (big/small, bigger than...farther than...colder than...) based on.
  • Build their own enrichment elements of the activity (according to proposed challenges).
  • Take care of the materials and robots.
  • Help classmates who need it to program the robot and respect the established turns.
2.  Activity components

The robot (PER) will be selected depending on the economic resources available, number of students, etc. A few commercial PER are available on the market (Fig. 3). Programming robots is very simple, requiring just specifying the actions the robot has to take, such as how many steps the robot has to take forward or backwards, turning left or right, or performing any other action (for example, generating noise or music, turning lights on, etc.) These actions are specified by clicking repeatedly on the buttons which are incorporated in their casings (minimum movements required: forward, backward, turn left, turn right). The robot maker web pages or instruction leaflets offer details on how to use the robot.

[size=100][left]Fig. 3  Some commercial models of educational robots: Bee-bot®, Code&Go®, Coding-Critters®, and Pro-bot ®
Images source: [url=][/url]; [url=][/url] [/left][/size]

Fig. 3  Some commercial models of educational robots: Bee-bot®, Code&Go®, Coding-Critters®, and Pro-bot ® Images source:;

It may seem obvious, but it is important to check if the robots are properly charged before starting the session. Some educational robots are battery-operated, while others are charged via USB connection. Game board/mouse pad. There is a downloadable model in pdf format for direct printing. You can also download the cards with which you can build a customized mat or board (using Indesing, Coreldraw, Illustrator, etc.; Fig.4). As an example, 4x4 squares mats are provided, but it is possible to build manually mats with a larger number of game squares, repeating some elements (for example, adding asteroids to delimit areas where it is not possible to pass). The downloadable model is sized for a specific educational robot, so the squares and game pieces are 12.5 cm squares, the distance that the chosen robot (Code&Go®) travels in each pulse (for example, in the case of the Bee-bot robot, this distance is 20 cm).

[left][size=100]Fig. 4  Example of game board design. 
Photos by: Elena Peribáñez[/size][/left]

[size=100][justify]* The design of the game pieces and/or game board can be done by the teacher (drawing or retouching of photographs by means of an application); or they can be painted by the students on paper or cardboard.
** For the design of cards, board, or stages: consider the distance in wheel rotation (code&go, 12 cm)[/justify][justify][/justify][/size]

Fig. 4  Example of game board design. Photos by: Elena Peribáñez

* The design of the game pieces and/or game board can be done by the teacher (drawing or retouching of photographs by means of an application); or they can be painted by the students on paper or cardboard. ** For the design of cards, board, or stages: consider the distance in wheel rotation (code&go, 12 cm)

"Ordinary Cards" are used, for example, to be able to tell the children where they should take their robot (Fig. 4, down). They are also used to be able to comment/ask about certain questions related to the general subject selected. For example, to introduce a topic: what an artificial satellite is and what it is used for. “Special charts" can be used to display the planets in augmented reality. In this case, it is necessary to use a new component that allows visualization, such as a Smartphone or Tablet (see Enhancing the activity).The cards and other components need to be printed (ink/laser) or manufactured in another way (handmade or hiring a professional service (such as PrintNinja)[1] or BoardgamesMaker[2]). Check that you have all the playing cards needed for the topic you want to develop in the session. Determine if you are going to use a game mat or if you are going to use tokens with the selected robot's displacement dimension. in case you are going to carry out complementary activities, check that you have the necessary materials (e.g., markers, modeling clay, cardboard, etc.). Prepare a narrative appropriate to the topic to be covered during the session (to learn about the planets, phases of the moon, space travel, etc.). Check that the narrative (storytelling) and proposed activity (game) integrates all the desired conceptual and pedagogical elements to meet the pedagogical objectives of the session.

The activity solution

There is no single development alternative for the activity, so there are multiple choices before preparing a session or workshop with the children. Once the type of game mat to be played has been determined, the next step is to decide whether the activity to be developed will be exploratory, cooperative, or competitive..., and then communicate the "rules of the game" to be followed. The mechanics must be defined and communicated (how to choose the "destinations" to which the robot will be directed, if there are turns or if the game will be played simultaneously, if there will be any kind of recognition or reward). It is possible to start by "exploring", and in successive sessions the contents to be learned and understood can be outlined. It is easy to start using the robot with a teacher predesigned mat and select the "destinations" using dice or selecting cards, so that the children can learn the planets. Children will have to program the robot to move from one planet to another, programming individually, in pairs, or in groups. Children can also create their own circuit using the cards, and then use the robot to move on those cards as if it were a play mat (Fig. 5).

[size=100][left][/left][/size][size=100][left]Fig. 5 Example of a game mat designed by the student to create her own spatial challenge, explaining the order given to the selected cards. Photo by: Elena Peribáñez[/left][/size]

Fig. 5 Example of a game mat designed by the student to create her own spatial challenge, explaining the order given to the selected cards. Photo by: Elena Peribáñez

Then review what they have learned by creating a card-based mat where they are asked to put the planets in order using the "Sun" card as a starting point. The children will program the steps that the robot should take to get from one selected point to another. For example, move the robot from Earth to Jupiter without going through the card/token that represents asteroids.The children will program the steps that the robot has to take to get from one selected point to another. For example, move the robot from Earth to Jupiter without going through the card/token that represents asteroids. When the children have learned to use the robot and are familiar with the planets, celestial bodies, concepts such as rotation or the phases of the moon, activities of greater complexity can be carried out (higher level of play or introducing competitiveness/cooperation), incorporating game components such as the popular badges, giving rewards, etc.  Once the planets are known and, after having addressed space travel in the classroom, an activity based on “active learning” can be proposed (project-based learning, problem-based learning, discovery learning, etc.). For example, setting up a "base/camp on Mars" (in the classroom), starting with a simple driving question such as: what do we need to set up our camp and live on Mars? In this case, for example, children can then use the PER as an explorer robot to transport what they want to take from one camp to another.

In each challenge or activity proposal, the teacher should clearly state: a)  The purpose of the game (for example, take the robot to all the planets in the solar system). b)  The rules of the game (for example, an error in the programming of the destination of the bot means an unscheduled turn).  c) And the rewards (for example, awarding a badge for each planet visited).

A demonstration video

Enhancing the Activity

The material has been designed in such a way to facilitate student involvement and facilitate the development of different but related activities, based on the use of modified mechanics and game components. The materials of the activity proposal allow an easy introduction of new complementary actions, depending on the educational needs of each class. The possibilities of complementarity or improvement are multiple. In this section we propose to teachers to introduce Augmented Reality (AR). AR will allow students to be introduced to a "different reality" facilitated by technology in the hands of teachers in a safe environment. It will also help in providing to the kids a correct spatial (3D) view of the elements to be learnt in the activity (i.e. the planets) rather than showing only static pictures. Using the terminology of the European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators (DiGCompEdu), we address activity enrichment steps for those whose digital skills are still at A1 (novice) and A2 (explorer) levels, but who wish to experiment with new formats and pedagogical methods in their activities. The elements necessary to incorporate AR will consist of both hardware and software. Hardware refers to the device used for augmented reality visualization, for which it must have a screen on which images of the real environment (captured with the device's camera) and virtual images that complement the scene (for example, a 3D planet emerging from the board) are superimposed. This device can be any smartphone or tablet, although if an older or low-end device is used the performance could be very low and ruin the experience.

[size=100][left][/left][/size][left][size=100]Fig. 6 Example of the creation of an ad hoc AR app for the Solar System activity, using the Unity 3D[sup][3][/sup] engine with the Vuforia toolkit[sup][4] [/sup]Photos by: Carlos Garre[/size][/left]

Fig. 6 Example of the creation of an ad hoc AR app for the Solar System activity, using the Unity 3D[3] engine with the Vuforia toolkit[4] Photos by: Carlos Garre

Software refers to the application installed inside the device that will need to be run to perform this image overlay on the screen. There are basically two options here. On the Erasmus+ STEAM UpGrade project website, we provide a downloadable app that works automatically with the pieces provided for the Solar System board, associating to each piece an animated 3D model of the corresponding planet or object. In case you would like to customize the association of any other images (pieces of the board) with any other 3D models, you would have to resort to generic apps such as MyWebAR[5] or ARViewer[6], which may have some limitations. On the one hand, even if they are applications intended for users without much technical knowledge, they can be complicated to use if we want true customization. On the other hand, the free versions of these applications may have limitations in the type of images (for example, MyWebAR only allows the use of QR codes in the free version) or in the number of different models that can be displayed. The augmented image of the planet can also be accompanied by a voice recording and/or text, either to give some complementary information or to set a challenge. 

The knowledge test

Some examples of knowledge test:

Where did the first astronauts go to?

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
Check my answer (3)

What is the largest planet in the Solar Sytem?

Tick all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
Check my answer (3)
Some examples of discussion topics: 
  • Space junk or debris (what is space junk and why it is dangerous to us?); artificial satellites and space probes (what are they used for?). 
  • Living in another planet (what would you take with you to a camp on Mars? What rules would you set for living in that camp?)

For special needs’ learners

Students with special educational needs (SEN) may benefit from the use of educational robots and activities such as the one proposed, although changes will have to be made. In the case of gifted children, the model of PER presented is not the most recommended, because it is too simple to program. It is recommended to see the robots proposed for primary and even secondary school activities. In these cases, it would be necessary to evaluate the convenience of making game proposals (challenges) that introduce a higher level of difficulty. For example, making them calculate distances visually, not using cards. In the case of students with learning difficulties, the characteristics of each child must be considered before selecting the robot, particularly in the case of ASD children. For example, you should note if the sounds or flashes disturb or disturb children with certain sensitivities. In the case of children with ADHD, the use of the robot can improve their attention and impulsivity control. In both cases, it is always advisable that these children learn to operate the robot before doing the activities with the group, so that they acquire greater control and self-confidence. One of the problems that often arise at the beginning of the use of this type of educational robot model is that the child understands that absolutely all the movements to be performed by the robot must be programmed. The movement to be performed by the robot must be broken down into all the steps of its programming. This is a feature of programming that should be well understood by children. To facilitate understanding, it is a good idea to start by using the help of small cards to mark the direction of movement, or by planning the movements before programming with the buttons (Fig. 7).

[size=100]Fig. 7 Common error detected when starting programming. 
Photo by: Elena Peribáñez[/size]
Fig. 7 Common error detected when starting programming. Photo by: Elena Peribáñez

At the beginning, the most common mistake observed is the consequence of pressing the “turn button” and thinking that the robot is turning and moving forward. No, children need to understand that rotate and advance are two different commands that must be programmed. Not understanding this step leads to errors that can end up generating frustration, especially in children with special needs. It is therefore very important to practice until the "whole group" has understood this.

Conducting a Workshop

This STEAM learning activity workshop is addressed to familiarize pre- and in-service kindergarten (and primary) schoolteachers with Educational Robots (ER), the design of game-pieces using different programs (examples: Paint 3D, Illustrator, Photoshop, GIMP). This activity introduces hardware and software ER related concepts to teachers without any previous robotics experience, providing them with some examples and discussions about actual classroom activities.  This activity can be developed with different variations of the game, depending on children's characteristics, the number of robots available for the group of children. We recommend a ratio of 1 robot: 4 children maximum. We do not recommend that children play alone (except for special needs). In this way, the children will have to share materials and wait for their turn to speak. At the beginning of the workshop all materials will be tested.  Participants will receive basic information about the robot and the materials to be used. As well as the need to take care of the materials, to be able to do new activities on successive days. Just as astronauts do when they travel to space, they work in groups, help other teams, and take care of materials.


At the beginning of the workshop, we supply participants with the materials, terms and concepts needed during the activity: theoretical concepts related to the Solar System. The first minutes of the activity will be to explain the meaning of the buttons on the robot (which will be our spaceship). Before starting to use the materials of the Solar System, several exercises must be carried out to check that they have understood well how the steps of the robot are programmed. During the activity, badges and other elements provide feedback to the children on their progress. It is recommended that the activity be carried out for about 45 minutes, always reserving a few minutes at the end of the class to collect the children's comments: if they liked programming the robot; if they had problems and how they helped themselves; what they liked most about what they learned, etc.


  • San Martin, J. Peribañez, E. (2021); Robótica y tecnologías emergentes aplicadas a la innovación educativa; Ed. Dykinson; ISBN 9788413779928
  • Benitti, F. (2019); Exploring the educational potential of robotics in schools: A systematic review; Computers and Education, 58(3):978–988;
  • Ümmü Gülsüm Durukan, Ebru Turan Güntepe & Necla Dönmez Usta (2022); Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Teaching Material: The Solar System; International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction; DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2022.2121041
  • Leoste, J. Pastor, L. San Martín, J. Garre, C. Seitlinger, P. Martino, P. Peribañez, E. (2020); Using Robots for Digital Storytelling. A Game Design Framework for Teaching Human Rights to Primary School Students; International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE).
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Created by

Elena Peribáñez and Carlos Garre - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos