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522 - Planes of Symmetry

Planes of Symmetry

Grades 5-8 (S) 9-12 (S) Duration: 15 min Tools: one Logifaces Set / 1-2 student Individual/Pair work Keywords: Symmetry, Planes of symmetry

Planes of Symmetry


MATHS / Transformations


522 - Planes of Symmetry - Teacher Version

522 - Planes of Symmetry - Student Version

Count the symmetries

Please count the symmetries of the block below this question and choose the correct number of possible symmetry planes

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
Check my answer (3)

Describe the symmetries

Describe, which symmetries you can find in the Logifaces blocks and which forms symmetry planes can take for all three blocks in this exercise. Describe which symmetries you can find in the Logifaces blocks and what shapes can take the intersections of the planes of symmetry with the blocks for the three blocks in this exercise.


Grade 5, Grade five, Grade 6, Grade six, Grade 7, Grade seven, Grade 8, Grade eight, Grade 9, Grade nine, Grade 10, Grade ten, Grade 11, Grade eleven, Grade 12, Grade twelve Logifaces quiz question interactive Classroom activity assignment Interactive visualisation Symmetry, Planes of symmetry, Transformations math, mathematics, exercise