Ms. Ebel's Math Book
Geometry and Fraction Concepts for Elementary Students

Table of Contents
Addition of Fractions
Subtraction of Fractions
Multiplication of Fractions
Division of Fractions
Fraction Models
Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, & Simplifying
Denseness of Fractions
- Geometry 2D - Shapes Activity
- 2D shapes
- Parallelograms (I)
- Congruence of Triangles
- 3D shapes
- Creating shapes using TinkerCAD!
- Circle vs. Sphere
- Finding the Area of Irregular Shapes
- Parallelogram: Area
- Circle Area (By Peeling!)
- Square Area
- Area of a Sector
- Maximizing Trapezoid Area
- Volume of rectangular prisms
- Volume of cone
- Volume of Spheres
- Volume of cylinder
- Triangle: Exterior Angles
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
- Perpendicular Lines: Quick Intro
- Geometry Resources
- Vertical Angles Theorem
- Surface Area: Intuitive Introduction
- Surface Area & Volume Pyramid
- Surface Area - Trapezoid
- Circumference and Diameter
- Perimeter and Area
- Perimeter Practice
- GeoBoard - Arrays, area, perimeter, and representations