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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Distance between two lines


Find out the shortest distance between two lines.

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1.Toolbar Image Select the Line tool and create two arbitrary lines f and g.
2.Toolbar ImageSelect the Parallel Line tool and create a parallel line h of g through point A.
Toolbar Image Create point E on the parallel line h using the Point on Object tool.
3.Toolbar ImageCreate a plane a through the points A, B and E using the Plane through 3 Points tool.
4.Toolbar ImageCreate a point F on line f using the Point on Object tool.
5Toolbar ImageCreate a perpendicular line i to plane a through point F using the Perpendicular Line tool.
6.Toolbar ImageCreate a plane b through line i and line f using the Plane tool.
7.Toolbar Image Create intersection point G of line g and plane b using the Intersect tool.
8.Toolbar ImageCreate perpendicular line j to plane a through point G using the Perpendicular Line tool.
9.Toolbar ImageCreate intersection point H of line j and line f using the Intersect tool.
10.Toolbar Image Create the shortest distance between line f and line g using the Segment tool and create a segment between points G and H.
11.Enhance your construction using the Style Bar.

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