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Matrix Multiplication

Composition of Linear Transformations

Suppose and are two linear transformations. We consider their composition i.e. for any vector in , . You can verify that is again a linear transformation. A natural question: How can we write down the matrix for if we are given the matrices for and ? The matrix for is formed by the column vectors and . Suppose and be the matrices for and respectively, we have Hence the matrix for is defined to be the matrix multiplication of and as follows: In the following applet, matrix multiplication of 2 x 2 matrices is visualized as a composition of linear transformations. Try the following tasks: 1. Find and such that . 2. Find and such that , and . 3. Find and such that but .

Matrix Multiplication

Now use the same idea in the most general situation: Let and be linear transformations. For to be well-defined, the domain of must match the range of . Again, you can easily verify that is also a linear transformation. As we know, the m x n matrix for is . Let and be the matrices for and respectively. For , let be the column vector in i.e . Then and we have Hence, we define , the matrix multiplication of and to be the matrix for , which is as follows: An example: Let . By the definition above, we need compute the following: Therefore, we have . The following are some questions about matrix multiplication:

Compute .

Compute .

Compute .

Compute .