Melanie Tomaschko

GeoGebra Apps Lead

GeoGebra Apps Lead
Melanie Tomaschko

GeoGebra - The Present and the Future

GeoGebra offers a set of powerful math tools that are used by millions of students and teachers worldwide to teach mathematics and science. In this session, we will present the current updates and latest developments of GeoGebra’s apps, website and teaching tools. Furthermore, we will give insights into future developments that will offer exciting new possibilities for teaching and learning mathematics. A Q&A session at the end, will give participants the opportunity to get insights and answers directly from core GeoGebra teammates.

Using GeoGebra apps and Tools in the Classroom

Explore the free and interactive teaching and learning tools from GeoGebra that are leveraged by millions of users worldwide to support easier understanding of mathematical concepts. Learn how to use GeoGebra in your math classroom to create, share, and collect interactive learning materials.


Melanie Tomaschko studied mathematics and computer science at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, and finished her PhD in Instructional Technology in 2019. In 2011, she joined GeoGebra as a software developer where she was responsible for implementing GeoGebra on both Android and iOS platforms. Currently she is a Product Owner at GeoGebra where she is leading the development of GeoGebra’s math applications.