Steve Phelps Bio & Workshops

Twitter: @giohio
GeoGebra Does THAT? Using GeoGebra in Statistics and AP Statistics
FRI 2/15: 2:15p - 3:30p
SAT 2/16: 2:15p - 3:30p
Description: GeoGebra--widely used in algebra and geometry classes--has a robust set of statistics tools. In this session, you will learn how GeoGebra can be used to develop quantitative literacy in Statistics or AP Statistics through doing exploratory data analysis, creating dynamic data and regression displays, and conducting inference procedures and simulations.
Learning Goal: Learn to use GeoGebra to develop quantitative literacy.
The key mathematics content focus of this presentation is on quantitative literacy and how GeoGebra can be used to promote and foster this in students. Participants will be introduced to how GeoGebra can be used to:
(1) Visualize and summarize data by creating dynamic data displays, regression models, probability models, and data summaries;
(2) Promote the understanding of statistical inference through informal method such as simulations to formal methods using GeoGebra's inference tools.
(5 minutes) Introduction to the GeoGebra Classic app.
(15) Using data for times between eruptions of old faithful, participants will learn how to visualize and summarize a single variable by:
-Pasting data into GeoGebra spreadsheet
-Exploring data using One Variable Analysis Tool
-Creating data displays, exploring sample statistics.
(10) Conduct inference procedures using appropriate tools, explore simulations supporting these hypotheses tests.
(15) Using data on ages of spouses when first married, participants will learn how to visualize and summarize two variables by:
-Pasting data into GeoGebra spreadsheet
-Exploring data using Multiple Variable Analysis Tool.
-Exploring data using Two Variable Regression Analysis tool.
-Exploring regression models, associated statistics.
(10) Conduct inference procedures using appropriate tools, explore simulations supporting these hypotheses tests
(5) Summary