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GeoGebraAula GeoGebra

Graphing Inequalities and Interval Notation

Move the blue point around the number line to change the value in the inequality. The four boxes will change the inequality symbol. How does this change the graph? How does this change the interval?
The shaded region corresponds with the inequality. For instance, the default inequality of x ≤ 0. Read aloud, this would be "x is less than or equal to 0". The shaded region then represents every number that is less than, or smaller than, 0. It also includes 0, shown with the shaded dot. Note: > is greater than. ≥ is greater than or equal to. < is less than. ≤ is less than or equal to. Refer to the following table for help with graphing and interval notation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Inequality Notation Graphing Interval Notation
 ≥ or ≤ ● [ or ]
 > or < ○ ( or )
  -∞ or ∞ ( or )
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Now try some practice for yourself! Move the red dot to the correct position and mark off the appropriate check boxes to put the graph in the correct position.