Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Isosceles triangle


Construct an isosceles triangle whose length of the base and height can be modified by dragging the corresponding vertices. Explore the construction below and find out how to construct an isosceles triangle with GeoGebra Geometry. Then try it yourself by following the instructions below.

Explore the construction...


Note: If you're using the Mobile App make sure that the chosen Labeling option is New Points Only. You can change this by going to the Settings in the app's menu and then selecting General.
1.Toolbar ImageSelect the Segment tool. Click twice in the Graphics View to create two points A and B, and a segment between them.
2.Toolbar ImageActivate the Midpoint or Center tool and select the segment AB to create its midpoint.
3.Toolbar ImageClick on the midpoint using the Move tool to rename it to M. Note: In the Mobile App select the More button to rename the point to M.
4.Toolbar ImageActivate the Perpendicular Line tool. Create a line that is perpendicular to segment AB and runs through the midpoint M. Hint: Select segment AB and then point M to create the perpendicular line.
5.Toolbar ImageActivate the Point on Object tool and select the perpendicular line to create a point C that is restricted to move along the line.
6.Toolbar ImageHint: Use the Move tool and check if the point cannot be moved away from the perpendicular line.

Try it yourself...

Instructions (continued)

7.Toolbar ImageUse the Polygon tool to create a triangle ABC by selecting the vertices in counter clockwise orientation.
8.Toolbar ImageActivate the Angle tool and select the triangle to display all its interior angles.
9.Toolbar ImageSelect the Move tool and drag the vertices of the triangle to check if it was constructed correctly.
10.Can you find a tool that could be used to replace steps 2 and 4 in this construction? Select the corresponding tool from the Tools View.