applets for E15
This collection of applets were written for incorporation into a new version
of E15 - Introduction to the Calculus A, a course in the Mathematics for Teaching
program at the Extension School of Harvard University.

Table of Contents
week 1
- Graphs of Exponential Functions
- A Compound Interest Problem
- The Effect of k on the Graph of f(x)+k
- The Effect of k on the Graph of kf(x)
- The Effect of k on the Graph of f(x+k)
- The Effect of k on the Graph of f(kx)
- How are the graphs of F & Finverse related?
- CHALLENGE - tools for learning about functions as objects
- Families of Exponential Functions
- CHALLENGE -How are the graphs of f(x) & its inverse related?
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11