Google Classroom

Reflections Exploratory Activity

Follow the directions and respond to the questions.
  1. In Geogebra, use the “Polygon” tool to construct a polygon with 5 sides.
  2. Using the “Segment” tool, construct a segment close to but not touching your polygon.
  3. Using the “Reflect About Line” tool, click on the polygon and then the line segment. This should produce a reflected image of your pre-image. 
  4. Go back to the “segment” tool and use it to connect one set of corresponding points, A to A’ or B to B’ etc.
  5. Once you have your segment drawn in, switch to the “perpendicular bisector” tool and click on the connecting segment to construct the bisector.

What do you notice about the perpendicular bisector as it relates to the line of reflection? What do you think will happen if you were to construct additional bisectors?

  1. Use the “point” tool to construct points on the intersection of perpendicular bisectors.
2.Now in the Measure group,  select “Distance or Length” then click on each side of the constructed points to find the measure of each  segment.

What do you notice about the measures of divided segments?

What thoughts do you have about how the line of reflection relates to the perpendicular bisector of segments connecting corresponding points?