Starting assignment young students
Starting assignment young students
Young students start with a simple assignment where the rules are quickly discovered. This two-layer muqarnas follows the rule "back on front". Students are handed over a construction plate for a quick start.
This worksheet is part of my geogebra book on Muqarnas.
More information is available on my website Muqarnas/Starter.
Handout Muqarnas Workshop (English)
Handout Muqarnas Workshop (Dutch)
Construction plate


This exercise is based on the set of rules of back on front
- a wall of a full element should be stacked on the end of an intermediate elements (green to black)
- adjoining roofs have the same orientation (red to red, arrows pointing to same direction)
Final product

Variations for the same construction plate
An extension to this easy assignment is the task to generate alternatives for the same construction plate. Students find out that there are a lot of possibilities.
See my website Variations.