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the möbiusgroup SO(3, ℂ)

 this activity is a page of geogebra-book elliptic functions & bicircular quartics & . . .(27.04.2023)

this activity is also a page of GeoGebrabook Moebiusebene (29.09.2020)

In the complex, 3-dimensional vector space with non-degenerate quadratic form an oriented basis is selected with , for which the two product tables are to apply:
The name is chosen because this vector space can be interpreted as the straight line space of the spherical model of the Möbius plane. See the möbiusebene-book-chapter Möbius - Geradenraum for this transfer principle. The Lie product [ , ] is defined like in the Euclidean vector space the cross product :
  • by the uniquely determined linear form for all
is thus nothing else than a complexification of the Euclidean vector space. The applet above is a real simplification of the complex relations: e.g. it cannot be represented that every STRAIGHT line in the complex plane intersects the quadric at one or two points: in every quadratic equation is solvable! The POINTS on the Möbius quadric with exception of are achieved through the complex parametrisation:
There is thus a 1 to 1 relationship between the Möbius points in and the POINTS on . The group of orientation-preserving Möbius transformations turns out to be isomophic to . Even more: is the LIE algebra of this group! We call the vectors used in the tables a Euclidean coordinate system of .
Brief interpretation of the base vectors: The -plane is projected stereographically onto the unit sphere. is a tangent to the unit sphere in the direction of the -axis, is a tangent in , also in -direction. is the straight line connecting these two points, i.e. the -axis in space. is a tangent to the sphere at the image point of the stereographic projection of . is the connecting line of the stereographic images of and .
This representation of plane Möbius geometry has disadvantages, but also very many advantages: The circles as individual objects are not easily accessible! In contrast, there is the variety of possible interpretations of the POINTS and the vectors of .
  • The - projectively to be seen - POINTS on - i.e. it is - are the points of Möbus geometry.
  • The vectors with can be interpreted as tangential vectors: if is a differentiable curve, then is tangential to the curve. can be real or complex. In the 2nd case, complex-analytical functions are captured!
  • The vectors can be interpreted as infinitesimal Möbius movements: the linear mappings , explained by for all , act on the Möbius points on . The trajectories of the motions are, depending on the type of vector for real parameters t hyperbolic (), or elliptic () or parabolic () pencils of circles; for one obtains loxodromic trajectory curves, these are the curves which intersect a hyperbolic ( - - or an elliptical - - ) pencil of circles at a constant angle.
  • The movements are one-parameter subgroups of the Möbius group. Such movements of a group are called w-movements. Here, too, one obtains a real - - or a complex - - subgroup.

Ein lineares Vektorfeld

  • The tangential vectors of the trajectories of a w-motion on the quadric generate a linear vector field: , with . See the book chapter Kreisbüschel oder lineare Vektorfelder
  • The vectors with can be interpreted as straight line vectors in the sphere model of the Möbius plane. The STRAIGHT line with intersects the sphere at 2 points. The STRAIGHT line is the non-intersecting polar to it!
  • The quadratic vector fields are also of interest: with . The calculation yields an elliptic differential equation , hose solution curves for special positions of the focal points are confokal bicircular quartics; this is the case, for example, if the focal points lie on a circle!
  • If you let the "focal points" at the top or bottom of the applet run against each other, the pencil of circles and the trajectories approach the circles of a parabolic pencil of circles !
Question: What are the trajectories of w-movements in the group of LORENTZ transformations? Since is isomorphic to the group of orthochronous orientation-preserving LORENTZ transformations,
is isomorphic to the LIE-Algebra of this group!
This vector field is constructed with the formulas of the transmission principle given above: To are calculated . The connecting line in the spherical model is . The direction vector in the point is calculated using the linear vector field . Thanks geToolbar Imagegebra, all complex calculations are problem-free!

Lösungskurven eines linearen Vektorfeldes