The Sound of Sine, Part 2
1. In the applet below, try playing each note separately and then all together in the chord below (in western music, this is called the C-major chord) In the final chord (equation j(x), playing all three notes at once), how were the first equations for the three notes combined? What did the new graph look like?
2. In the applet below, try building your own chord by editing the periods of each equations. What were your new three equations you used? How would you describe this chord's sound to somebody?
Wolfram Alpha
3. If we wanted to keep going with the pattern we started above, what would the next equation look like?
4. Take a look at the shape of the waveform - if we kept continuing the pattern and adding more and more sine equations using the 1, 1/3, 1/5...rule we started above, what do you think the final waveform will look like?
5. Test your hypothesis by adding additional sine equations to the "sin(2*pi*250x) + 1/3sin(2*pi*750x) + 1/5sin(2*pi*1250x)" equation we started before. Write the final (long!) equation below and describe what the final waveform looked like.