GeoGebra Scripts
Welcome to the GeoGebra Scripts book.
Here you will find a collection of applets (mine and from other authors) created using GGB scripting and JavaScript.
The content is constantly updated with new examples. So if you make a copy, check always that you update it too with the last version.
I hope you find this material useful to create applets in GeoGebra.
Happy scripting!

Table of Contents
- Sticky point to line
- Year 12 Basic Skills Test
- Buttons / Scripting test
- Change 3D view
- Coloring lists and classes of objects
- Tool for Exploring Color Palettes
- Gradient vector field Custom tool
- DynamicCoordinates[] demo (snap to list)
- SetPerspective Demo (switch between Graphics and Spreadsheet)
- Demo: count number of times A is in same position as B
- Scripting: Writing polynomials with text
- Scripting: Select first false element from list
- Check box in 3D view
- Demo: resizable matrix
- Sliders great trick
- Save image script
- Introduction to GeoGebraScript
- Combine shapes
- Canvas sizes
- Periodic function defined on [a,b]
- SetAxesRatio 1-1 and Set dimensions
- Pulsing point
- Select n elements randomly form list
- Sticky point to list of points
- Re-color check box and resize
Global JavaScripts
- Demo: make Input Box disappear using JavaScript
- Demo: Change color of 3D axis
- Adding points to list by clicking
- Interaction with two 3D views using JavaScript
- Copy of Demo: plot graph in new tab
- Demo: add new points to a list automatically
- Samples probabilities (reddit)
- Remove objects of the same kind
- Setting HSV colors with JavaScript
- Quick Start: Advanced Integration
- VersionDetector
- Link on image
- Euler's totient function
Applets communication