Robert Pontecorvo

Robert Pontecorvo
“The Good Old Days Weren’t Always Good” by Billy Joel and “Teachers are making our tomorrows better, today!” by Rob Pontecorvo
Abstract: In the wake of a global pandemic, education has been forced to pivot like never before. With students, parents, and the public having a new appreciation for teachers and teaching; GeoGebra is leading the way for educators not to just “survive,” but rather to “thrive” in their new teaching modalities of remote, hybrid, or live learners. Bio: Robert Pontecorvo is a professional educator with over thirty years of experience teaching Mathematics in both the public and private sector. Since 2009, he has served as the District Coordinator of Mathematics for the Sewanhaka Central High School District (the largest school district in Nassau County in Long Island, NY) where he oversees more than eighty-five math teachers of grades seven through twelve. Prior to this, he was a teacher of math and is still a building Mathematics Department Chairperson. Rob has been an Adjunct Professor for Adelphi University’s Math Education Program and even taught mathematics on live television for three years on the Extra-Help Channel for Cablevision and Rainbow Programming. With a background in Telecommunications Engineering and a vast amount of experience in public speaking, Rob is responsible for professional development, technology integration and training, curriculum, data analysis, and public relations for the mathematics department of his school district. Rob has enjoyed a close relationship with GeoGebra since 2017 when, because of his initiative, he helped GeoGebra become the first calculator app permitted on a device for NY State high stakes exams. Rob lives on Long Island with his wife, Bonnie, his children, Kayla and Matthew, and his labradoodle Cookie-Jellybean. Photo: