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GeoGebra Classroom
Art of Trigonometric function
Sofia S - rotated sin, cos
Alex T - Rotated sin
Kais 2
Rotation and Symmetry - George V
Alex D animation
Maria S- rotations
Animated rotation Alex C
George - sin rotated m45
Sin rotated Alex D
sin:[-1;6] animated rotation - Luca
Trace rotated sin, cos - Matei A
Alex T -translation by rotated vector
Kais 1
Teo - Symmetry, translation, rotation....
Maria S
tranlation sin cos by animated vector -Danci A
Alex C - sin,cos translated by vector rotated...
sin cos Trace - Anca
George B - tranlation sin cos
Sin cos tranlated.... - Luca
Tg ctg animation - Alex T
Maria S - tg, ctg
George - animated tg, ctg
sin, tg -symmetry& translation -rotation...Matei A
sin-cos - Sofia S
Art of Trigonometric function
Works by 9C Grade Jean Monnet High School
Sofia S - rotated sin, cos
Alex T - Rotated sin
Kais 2
Rotation and Symmetry - George V
Alex D animation
Maria S- rotations
Animated rotation Alex C
George - sin rotated m45
Sin rotated Alex D
sin:[-1;6] animated rotation - Luca
Trace rotated sin, cos - Matei A
Alex T -translation by rotated vector
Kais 1
Teo - Symmetry, translation, rotation....
Maria S
tranlation sin cos by animated vector -Danci A
Alex C - sin,cos translated by vector rotated...
sin cos Trace - Anca
George B - tranlation sin cos
Sin cos tranlated.... - Luca
Tg ctg animation - Alex T
Maria S - tg, ctg
George - animated tg, ctg
sin, tg -symmetry& translation -rotation...Matei A
sin-cos - Sofia S
Sofia S - rotated sin, cos
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