TPACK Contexts and Components - Integral Calculus

Techonological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and its Components: Content Knowledge (CK): The topic covered in this lesson plan will be derivation (prior knowledge), definite and indefinite integrals, methods of integrations, and simple activities in GeoGebra. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): In this lesson, we will be teaching with technology, using interactive learning and modeling. Technological Knowledge (TK): The technology tools used in this lesson will primarily be GeoGebra. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): By beginning with students' basic knowledge of algebra and calculus concepts and prior knowledge of derivation, activities, and assessments will expand the students' knowledge to include integrals. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): Using students' basic GeoGebra skills, students will use GeoGrebra tools and GeoGebra Commands to visualize simple integarl calculus problems. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): GeoGebra can be used in teaching integral caclulus to demonstrate problems and activities. Within the demonstration, checkboxes in GeoGebra can be used to display information in stages.