Comparing Quantities of Desserts Using Ratios

Vorschau für Schüler*innen


GR. 6-8


Use reasoning with equivalent ratios to solve number and word problems.

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Comparing Quantities of Desserts Using Ratios

Explore ratios and ratio statements to compare quantities of cupcakes and brownies.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Offene Frage 1

Use the sliders to make a dessert box with a 2:1 ratio of cupcakes to brownies. Can you make this ratio any other way?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 2

Set the cupcakes slider to 12 and the brownies slider to 15. How do these numbers relate to the given equivalent ratio, 4:5?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 3

How many ways can you use the sliders to make the ratios 1:1? 3:1? 4:1?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen

Offene Frage 4

Jordan decides to run a dessert delivery service. Customers can buy 3 cupcakes and get 1 brownie for free. What ratios can help you find out how many total desserts he needs to make if there are 5 people who want to order this deal? 10 people? 20 people?

Eingabe von Text und mathematischen Symbolen