Session 4 - Friday 09:30 - 10:45
The interpretations of PISA-results and different scenarios Author: Vilmos Vass PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. PISA 2018 was the seventh round of the international assessment since the programme was launched in 2000. PISA 2018 defined reading literacy as understanding, using, evaluating, reflecting on and engaging with texts in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society. PISA 2018 also collected extensive data on students’ attitudes and well-being. My lecture has focuses on some trends, processes and scenarios under the umbrella of different interpretations of the results.
One doughnut for all Author: Martin Andre Co-author: Anna Oberrauch, Melanie Zöttl Currently, we are facing an enormous challenge to keep our world livable for future generations. Integrating Education for Sustainable Development into statistics teaching and learning, this study aims to identify prospects and limitations in the acquisition of competences for these both sustainability and statistics. With the objective to foster students’ access to their intuitive knowledge of basic statistical ideas by visualizations of Open Data, the study examines students’ learning processes while analyzing social and economic data with visual methods in the context of sustainable development. Therefore, 45 middle school students in two classes of grade 8 were guided through a project designed by the research team, using the software Gapminder and an applet designed to visualize a specific model for sustainable development. Findings of the study are used to further develop opportunities of integrating a topic of high relevance for students into statistics education.
Girls and STEAM Author: Tony Houghton The EU call Girls4STEM states that factors impeding girls' interest and involvement in STEM include: (low) self-perceptions, the perception of STEM professions and gender stereotyping embedded in the socialization process. The challenge of girls and STEAM is addressed by a focus on Enhancing Perception by Role Models. The presentation describes: the Expectation Shock concept and its focus on enhancing Perception of SELF and STEAM; the Hothousing implementation process and role models, Evaluation of Perception Shifts, and the successful EU KIKS (Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM) project which provides a precedent for girls as role models. The same project also noted the (obvious) importance of teachers. Finally, future directions are mentioned involving both girls and women teachers, parents and experts as role models.
Relationship between PISA Survey and Knowledge Management - Questions and Dilemmas Author: Ferenc Kiss If a test or a survey is the sublect of observation, the first questions usually are: purpose - why this data collection was initiated; subject - what is the exact focus; methodology - how the examination implemented; and finally how the results were planned to use. In this paper PISA test is compared against the general requirements towards a measurement, examined its position in relation to knowledge management and knowledge generation. Finally, the different opportunities and strategies in usage of PISA result discussed.
Insecurity, Creativity and (Art-) Education Author: L. Vanessa Gruber STEM became STEAM for a reason. STEM felt, that two major aspects were missing: creativity and innovation. However, those two processes should not only be left to the arts. Creativity is not a subject, nor a project or set of information that once learned by heart and examined in a multiple-choice test can be forgotten again. It is a way of acting, thinking and teaching in every subject. Due to some misunderstandings and the lack of a clear definition of the concept, teacher training at German-speaking universities is very often leaving creativity aside and thereby ignoring its potentials and necessities when it comes to the educational context.
Outdoor mathematics with MathCityMap Author: Gregor Milicic Co-author: Matthias Ludwig In this presentation the MathCityMap project will be introduced as one possibility to use the own mobile device in a substantial and authentic learning environment. MathCityMap combines the math trail idea with the current technological possibilities of mobile devices. A math trail is a set of mathematical tasks or questions that are bound to objects from the real world. Usually they are located in walking distance. A math trail guide contains a map that displays interesting locations and descriptions of different tasks to discover mathematics in the environment. MathCityMap is a two component system. The first component is a web portal ( which serves as an open access database for authentic math problems in the environment. Every teacher/author can use public tasks and create individual tasks. The other component, the MathCityMap app, shows the students on a map where in the environment the problems are hidden. Additionally, it provides hints, feedback and a sample solution. Through new features, such as the digital classroom and the task wizard, the system supports teachers in the preparation and organization of math trails.