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GeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
Geometric shapes of truncated Platonic polyhedra
The Platonic polyhedra. Geometric shapes of their truncations.
Geometric shapes of truncated Platonic polyhedra
Roman Chijner
Kroppar (3D-former)
Geometrical shapes of truncated polyhedrons
The Platonic polyhedra. Geometric shapes of their truncations.
Trisecting the sides of a polygon
Truncated Tetrahedron.
Truncated Tetrahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Octahedron.
Truncated Octahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Cube.
Truncated Cube. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Icosahedron.
Truncated Icosahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Great Dodecahedron from Truncated Icosahedron
Truncated Dodecahedron.
Truncated Dodecahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated square antiprism
Trancated Square antiprism. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Cuboctahedron
Truncated Cuboctahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Icosidodecahedron.
Truncated Icosidodecahedron. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Truncated Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron.
Truncated Biscribed Pentakis. Dependence of the average distance between the vertices of a polyhedron on the truncation parameter. Extreme distribution.
Images. Polyhedrons and their truncated, critical truncated polyhedra
Polyeder mit ganzzahligen Koordinaten
Vier Hexaederstümpfe
Vier Würfelkonstellation
Trisecting the sides of a polygon
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Flip 5 Coins.
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רישום חופשי
Roll Dice
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Activity 2.3 - Lesson -Transformation
S1 Math Interactive Learning Kit
Focus-Directrix Definition of an Ellipse
Linear Investigation
Undersök matematisk områden
Räta linjer