Google Classroom
GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Generate One Boxplot

This worksheet allows the creation of one boxplot for up to 200 values. Steps:
  1. Click the "Clear Data" button (may need to wait several seconds).
  2. Copy your data into the spreadsheet column (again, may take several seconds).
  3. Use the "Side Margin" slider to adjust the spacing on the left and right sides.
  4. Lastly, click the "Refresh Title" button, adjust the label, and then use the menu bar to copy the plot to the clipboard.
Suggested Steps for Copying the Plot:
  1. Copy the graphics view to the clipboard.
  2. Paste special into Microsoft Office as a Windows Metafile.
  3. Crop the top and the bottom to remove the butons and blank space.
  4. Resize as needed.