SET game 1.0 - printable
What is this ?
This is a set of 81 cards for a game like the game SET.
The original game makes use of colors, I wanted a black and white version so that it could easily be Xeroxed.
Each card is made of four nested shapes, each is either a polygon with n1 sides, n2 sides or a circle. Default is n1=4 and n2=5 but you can change the values of n1 and n2. The light grey squares are just to help you cut the 81 cards.
There are 3^4 such possible shapes which are all represented here once.
What's a "set" ?
A combinations of three cards are said to make up a set if for each of the four levels of nested shapes the three cards all display either the same shape or all three different shapes.
The figure below shows three examples of sets (green, pink, red).
green : the shapes at each level are different.
pink : the outer shape is different for each card and the three others are identical (square, pentagon, circle)
red : the first two levels are identical (square, pentagon) and the last two are different for each card.
Three examples of sets :