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Cavalier-Cabinet-Central-Projection xy-z(Φ=45°,α=63.43°)

classic oblique projections

In classic oblique projections two coordinate axes are not changed by the mapping and a shearing is applied to the third. The projection direction of the third axis is given by two angles α and Φ The angle Φ is preserved in the projection and corresponds to the angle between the projected y- and x-axis. The angle α controls the ratio: Cavalier projection x:y=1:1, α = Φ = 45° Cabinet projection: x:y=2:1, α = 63.435° and Φ=45° In classic mathematical theorem the y axis is vertical alined. here we use the school based coordinate system by z axis vertical (the projection was made for plane y=0, but plotted to plane z=0)!
used projection matrix Standard projection matrix
Graphics Programming ( Torsten Thormählen) Affine und projektive Räume (Oliver Deussen) Grid models defined by Edges-varaibles FignA - Pointlist 3D Figur FignEdges - Polyline 3D Figur FignEdges_V - Polygon 3D Figur FignA_P - Pointlist 2D Projection Figur FignEdges_P - Polyline 2D Projection Figur FignEdges_Z - Polyline 2D Central Projection Figur Making Figur 2 Pyramid (Tetrahedron) higher a/3->a/2

Oblique and Central Projection

Example Fig2A - Fig4A

Example Fig2A - Fig4A
switch visibility of figures by Algebra View [ o ] Fig2 und Fig4 rotation by angle φ about zAxis

Fig3 Cabinet Projection

Fig3 Cabinet Projection
addition visible cube Fig1Edges und Fig1Edges_P

Fig4 central projection

Fig4 central projection
Visible Fig4A, Fig4Edges; Fig4Edges_Z and CAM - select CAM and move CAM with key board 0.5 steps φ=45° Zoom CAM effects only by central projection

Fig5 Central Projection

Fig5 Central Projection
CAM Position (7.5,-13.5,3.5 ) φ=0° Zoom

Construction of a matrix in homogeneous coordinates for a central projection