Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Tangent and Secant

Group Roles

Group members and roles: Please enter your group members' names as well as their role during this activity. (1) Recorder: This person should be managing the GGB file and typing your group's responses. (2) Reporter: This person is responsible to share out when we come together as a whole class. (3) Group monitor: Make sure that everyone is contributing, and no one is dominating the group. (Remember no one knows everything and everyone knows something.) (4) Task monitor: Make sure that the group is staying focused on the task at hand and help with the pacing.

Tangent 0 and undefined?

Before you start, please answer the following questions without using any technology. (1) When is the tangent function 0? How do you know? (2) When is the tangent function undefined? How do you know?

Secant 0 and undefined.

Before you start, please answer the following questions without using any technology. (1) When is the secant function 0? How do you know? (2) When is the secant function undefined? How do you know?

Define the tangent

Which line(s) did you need to turn on to find the segment that when related to the arc will create the tangent function?

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Explain tangent

Identify the segment for the tangent by identifying its endpoints and explain why this is the tangent.

Define the secant

Which line(s) did you need to turn on to find the segment that when related to the arc will create the secant function?

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Test your conjecture!

Test your conjecture by creating the graph of the tangent like we did for the chord function. Note: If you turn on graphics view 2 you should be able to view the grid and graphical representation we made last week for the chord function.

Explain the secant

Identify the segment for the secant by identifying its endpoints and explain why this is the secant.

Test your conjecture!

Test your conjecture by creating the graph of the secant like we did for the chord function. Note: If you turn on graphics view 2 you should be able to view the grid and graphical representation we made last week for the chord function.

When are tangent and secant 0 and undefined?

After you create the graphical representations, revisit (but don't edit) your responses to Q2 and Q3. Can you use the geometric interpretation to answer Q2 and Q3 differently? If so, explain.

Help me remember!

The process of adding the lines to find or create the tangent and secant function is not easy. How would you describe the for a student who hasn't seen this before. How would you construct the two functions and use your constructions to create the graphical representation?