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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Cross Sections of Cones

Drag the blue points to see the different sections of the cone.
Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

Move the Rotate 1 slider to the left, labeled Horizontal and answer Question 1 below.

1. What is the shape of the cross section formed by slicing the cone horizontally?

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Move the Rotate 1 slider to the right, labeled Vertical and answer Question 2 below.

2. What is the shape of the cross section formed by slicing the cone vertically?

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  • B
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Move the Rotate 1 slider to the middle, halfway between Vertical and Horizontal and answer Question 3 below. Ensure that your slice is not going through the Base of the cone.

3. What is the shape of the cross section formed by slicing the cone diagonally?

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  • A
  • B
  • C
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