How to create an Assessment Item
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GeoGebra applets can be easily integrated into assessment environments if you pay attention to a few details.
In this introduction we'll show you how an assessment item is created based on a simple example.
Note: If you haven't created GeoGebra applets yet you may want to look at our GeoGebra Classic tutorial first.
Explore the Assessment Item
Boolean Variables
To be compatible with assessment systems, your GeoGebra assessment item should contain the following 4 boolean variables:
Hint: Create those variables set to false (e.g.: enter validate = false into the Input Bar). Later on, you will still be able to edit the correct variable to evaluate if the task has been solved successfully.
While working on your applet you may want to display checkboxes for the boolean variables validate, showanswer and showsolution so that you can easily switch their states to test your logic.
validate | If this variable is set to true, the applet will give feedback to let students know if the given answers are correct. If the answer is wrong a hint can be shown (optional). |
showanswer | If this variable is set to true, the answer to the question or task of the applet is shown. Note: depending on the type of question more than one answer may be possible. |
showsolution | If this variable is set to true, the complete solution to the question or a possible way to solve the task is shown. |
correct | This variable should only turn true, when the question of the applet is answered correctly. This can be just one answer, but it can also consist of different partial answers. |
Multiple Inputs
If your assessment item contains multiple inputs, we recommend to use one boolean variable per input, e.g. correctA, correctB, correctC. The final boolean correct will then be correct = correctA correctB correctC.
Partial Credit
If an assessment item contains multiple inputs, e.g. multiple parts, you may want to consider partial credit. Instead of toggling the variable correct between true and false, correct can also be a number between 0 and 1. We recommend to calculate correct as follows:
allCorrect = {correctA, correctB, correctC}
maxscore = Length(allCorrect)
correct=Sum(allCorrect) / maxscore
General Settings
Applet size
For ease of use on different screens the applet size should not be too big or too small.
We recommend a size of 800 x 500. This can be set when uploading the applet.
Font size
The size of the axes labels and texts is set by the general font size. This can be done in the general settings of the app. A recommended font size is between 16pt and 20pt as it is not too small to read and not too big to lose much space for other elements.
Separate instruction texts from graphs and geometric constructions to keep an overview of all elements, e.g. by using both
Graphics and
Graphics 2. You can put graphs and geometric constructions on one side and texts on the other side.
Note: If you use axes in the
Graphics View, add labels. Open the Graphics Settings and set the label for each axis (e.g. $\textsf{x}$ for LaTeX style and sans-serif font). You can also choose a suitable grid and fix points to grid by using the Style Bar of the
Graphics View.

Create the Applet
Follow the instructions below to learn how to create an assessment item for positioning a point to given corrdinates.
1. | Randomize your question by using random numbers. Create the coordinates of a point by using the commands xA = RandomBetween(-8, 8) and yA = RandomBetween(-8, 8). | |
2. | | Then create a point by typing Acorrect = (xA, yA) into the Input Bar. The point is displayed in the ![]() |
3. | ![]() | Use the Text tool and click inside the ![]() |
4. | ![]() | Create a new point A using the Point tool and clicking inside the ![]() |
5. | ![]() | Open the General Settings, select tab Grid and set Point Capturing to Fixed to Grid. Now point A will only be movable along the grid. Change the color to black, set the point size to 9 and change the caption of point A to $\textsf{A}$ in the settings of A. |
6. | ![]() | Create a button for updating the construction by using the Button tool. Enter $\textsf{new}$ for Caption and UpdateConstruction[ ] into the first line of the GeoGebra Script. Confirm by pressing OK. Note: When pressing the button, the random coordinates of Acorrect are updated and a new problem is displayed in the instruction text. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to get a new problem (e.g.: Windows F9). |
7. | | Check if the coordinates of A are equal to Acorrect by changing the boolean variable correct to correct = (A == Acorrect). The boolean variable correct will now only be true if A is positioned to the right place. |
8. | | Another option would be to check both x-coordinate and y-coordinate of point A, for a better feedback. Create two boolean variables c1 and c2 with: c1 = xA == x(A) c2 = yA == y(A) Define correct as correct = c1 && c2. The boolean variable correct will only be true if A is positioned to the right coordinate. |
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Explore the Objects
Give feedback
Create text objects to give certain feedback when checking the student's answer by following the instructions below.
9. | | To get general feedback about the correctness of the answer enter plaintextCorrect = If(correct, "Correct!", "Incorrect.") into the Input Bar. |
10. | ![]() | This object can be embedded into a text object so that it is written in LaTeX and made bigger than the rest of the text. Use the Text tool in the ![]() |
11. | | As the text should only be displayed when the student's answer is validated, open the settings of the text object, select tab Advanced and enter validate for Condition to Show Object. Note: Now the text is only displayed when validate is true. |
12. | ![]() | To give extra feedback about the x- and y-coordinates, create a feedback text using a check or a cross to keep it simple. Enter checkX = If(c1, "✔", "✘") into the Input Bar. Create a LaTeX text using the Text tool in the ![]() |
13. | ![]() | Repeat step 12 with checkY = If(c2, "✔", "✘") and LaTeX text \textsf{y-coordinate\quad\large\bold{checkY}} with object checkY. Change the settings for both LaTeX texts and enter validate && !showanswer && !showsolution for Condition to Show Object. |
14. | ![]() | Create a hint text in the ![]() |
15. | ![]() | Create a solution text in the ![]() |
16. | | As this solution text should only be displayed when showsolution is true, open the settings of the solution text, select tab Advanced and enter showsolution for Condition to Show Object. |
17. | | Right-click (MacOS: Ctrl-click) on the point Acorrect and deselect Show Label. Open the settings of Acorrect, change the point size to 9 and enter showanswer for Condition to Show Object on tab Advanced. Note: Now Acorrect (the answer to the task) is only displayed when showanswer is true. You may also change the Layer of Acorrect to 1 on tab Advanced so point A cannot hide the correct answer. |
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Finish the Applet
dynamic color for texts/objects | Change the colors of your feedback texts. Make the solution text blue and change the color of Acorrect to blue as well. Change the color of the hint text to orange. For the feedback text telling if the answer is correct or incorrect open the settings of the texts and set the color on tab Advanced to use Dynamic Colors as follows: Red: If(correct, 21/255, 204/255) - Green: If(correct, 101/255, 102/255) - Blue: If(correct, 192/255, 0) Add dynamic colors in the same way for the x- and y-coordinate feedback texts using the boolean variables c1 and c2 as conditions. |
Fix objects Absolute position on screen | Position your texts in the ![]() |
Allow/forbid selection | There are objects that should not be selectable by the user - for example the axes or point Acorrect. Open the settings of these objects and uncheck Selection Allowed on tab Advanced. Hide objects that were only needed to create your item but shouldn't be shown in your applet (e.g.: plaintextCorrect). |
Naming of selectable objects | For accessibility reasons it should be possible to reach all selectable objects in a sensible order by pressing the tabulator key. This can be ensured by renaming the selectable objects alphabetically in the order they should be tabbed (e.g.: a1, ..., a9, b1, ..., b9, etc.). Note: Don't forget to change the name of point A as well (e.g.: to a2). |
Hide Algebra View | Close the ![]() |
Upload item | Upload your file to your GeoGebra account. Edit the size of your applet (e.g.: Width: 800, Height: 500) in the Advanced Settings. Change the layout of your item, so everything is shown properly. Click Done and Save & Close to finish uploading the item to your account. |
Test item | Review your uploaded item and test all different cases for validation, showing the answer and the solution by (un)checking the checkboxes. |
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