What makes a triangle a triangle?
Are there any fundamental facts or rules that apply to all triangles?
Step 1
Use the SEGMENT WITH FIXED LENGTH tool to construct segments that can be rearranged to form triangles with the sets of sides from Table 1 (below)?
Are there any of these triangles that cannot be constructed (yes or no)?
If so, which?
Why can’t they be constructed?
Step 2
Erase all of your line segments from Step 1.
Use the POLYGON tool and the ANGLE tool to construct and label triangles with the angles given in Table 2 (below).
Are there any of these triangles that cannot be constructed (yes or no)?
If so, which?
Why can’t they be constructed? Hint: find the sum of the angles in each triangle. What do you notice?
Describe two fundamental facts about triangles that you have discovered in this activity:
Fact 1:
Fact 2: