L3.1 - Scale Drawings
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
- Comprehend the terms scale factor and dilation.
- Critique and create scaled drawings of figures (using words and other representations).
- Dilate a figure given a scale factor and center.
1.1: Is That the Same Hippo?
Diego took a picture of a hippo and then edited it. Which is the distorted image? How can you tell?
Is there anything about the pictures you could measure to test whether there’s been a distortion?
1.2: Sketching Stretching
A dilation with center O and positive scale factor r takes a point P along the ray OP to another point whose distance is r times farther away from O than P is. If r is less than 1 then the new point is really closer to O, not farther away. 1. Dilate H using C as the center and a scale factor of 3. H is 4 cm from C.
2. Dilate K using O as the center and a scale factor of ¾. K is 4 cm from O.
1.3: Mini Me
2. What do you notice? What do you wonder?
Are you ready for more?
3. How does the length of A'1B'1 compare to A'B'? How would the length of A'1B'1 change if Q was infinitely far away? Explain your answer.

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
- Comprehend the terms scale factor and dilation.
- Critique and create scaled drawings of figures (using words and other representations).
- Dilate a figure given a scale factor and center.

Scale Factors: A. 1 B. 3/2 C. 2 D. 2/3 E. 1/2 Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5