Elementary Math (Sec 1 to 4) Applets
Visualizing the prime factors of any composite number

- Distance Time Graph For Self Directed Learning
- Speed Time Graph for Self Directed Learning (Customizable)
- Fraction Division5: x ÷ a/b (Quotitive)
- Solving percents with a bar model
- Graphing on Graph Paper
- Balance Beam Equations
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 3
- UCSS Math II 4.3.2 Example 1
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 2
- Solving Proportions
- Numberline
- Adding and subtracting a negative integer
- Graphing Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns
- Example Presentation Lesson with Assessment
- Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Coordinates Self Assessment
- Operation of 3 Sets #2
- Linear Functions : Input Variable x and Output Variable y
- Evaluating unknowns in Linear Equations in Two Variables and Graphing the Equations
- Speed, Distance & Time in Motion (RACE CAR)
- Distance Between Two Points (Length of Line Segment)
- Self Assess Distance Betw Two Points(Length of Line Segment)
- Mathematical Modelling of Filling of Circular Water Tank
- Forming Equation of a Straight Line Given Graph of Line
- Changes in Inequalities due to Multiplication and Division
- Fun With Number Pattern
- Representing Numbers on a Number Line
- Angle between line AB and radius of the circle (Tangent Radius)
- Perpendicular lines and their Gradients
- Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
- Stem and Leaf Plot Template
- Expand Product of Two Linear Expressions (Area Method)
- Lines representing equations of the form x = a and y = c
- 3D Sphere, Hemisphere Volume and Total Surface Areas
- Cone Volume and Total Surface Area
- Total Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder (with net shown)
- Self Review Mensuration of Hemispherical Bowl
- Solve Simple Linear Equations (Apply Balance Concept)
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Hemisphere & Cone
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Cylinder & Hemisphere
- Algebra balance scales
- Equation Balance
- Graphing of Polynomial Functions Point by Point
- Sorting decimals from least to greatest
- Factorization of Quadratic Expressions Aided by Multiplication Frame
- Rational Expression Unit Pre-Assessment
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Arc Length 1
- Pythagorean Triple Generator
- Indices (Positive Integer Index) : Introduction
- Function Machine 2
- Problem of movement
- Quadratic Formula - Approximate Solutions
Numbers And Algebra
- Prime Factors - step by step
- Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs
- Self Assessment : Quadratic Curve's Properties
- Determining the Equation of Straight Lines Given Two Points
- Slope Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line - Quiz
- Bar Model for Problems on Ratio Rate Direct Proportion
- find LCM and GCD
- Self Review of Maps and Scales Problems
- Fraction Multiplication
- Randomized linear simultaneous equations
- Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition ( Pictorial)
- Indices Part 4 : Negative Integral Indices
- Solve Simple Linear Equations
- UCSS Math III 2B.1.5 Example 4
- Rational Expressions
- Rational Expression Unit Test
- "Pass the Paper" Problems- Adding & Subtracting REs
- Example 4
- Guided Practice Sheets
- Anchor Activities
- Example 1
- Simplify Expressions, More Complicated-Section 1.4
- Factoring Quadratic Expressions 3
- Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
- Factorization of Special Products
- Expansion of Linear Factors Using Multiplication Frame
- Proportional Thinking using Model-Table-Proportion(Algebra) Representations
- Solving Equations where Product of Linear Factors Equals Zero
- Map Scales (1)
- Map Scales(2)
- Binomial Multiplication
- Completing the square
- Magic machine for function
- Equivalent Fractions Puzzel
- Story of Rice on Chessboard : - Exponential Doubling
- sieve of eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
Geometry and Measurement
- Types of Triangles
- Bearings
- Angles in Opposite Segments
- Angles in the SemiCircle
- External Tangents to a Circle
- Congruent Triangles 3
- Basic Terms in Geometry
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Congruent Triangles Exploration 1
- Example 2
- Similar Figures
- Congruent Figures Activity
- Outlier Influence
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
- Collinear Points (Definition Prompt)
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 2 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 1 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Area of Parallelograms
- Deriving the Area Formula of a Parallelogram
- Bearings : Practice with Compass Reference
- Area of a Trapezium
- Acute Obtuse or Reflex Angles
- Angle of Elevation and Depression
- 10.2 Angles of elevation and depression(仰角和俯角)
- Angle of elevation and depression
- Angle of elevation - light house1
- Angle of Elevation & Angle of Depression 仰角和俯角
Statistics and Probability
- Tree Diagrams
- Permutation Braid, 4 Unique Objects
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode Example 2
- Boxplot Game
- Dot Plot Interactive
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
- Visualizing Statistical Information
- 3 Dice
- Probability: Selecting Balls
- Computing Simple Probabilities from Tables
- Experimental probability
- rolling a dice
- Example 1
- flipping a coin
- Probability with Area
- dotplot
- Mean and Median Practice
- measures of center
- Averages (Mean, Median, Mode)
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- Data Visualization
- Standard Deviation Investigation
- AQR Quick Question 17.3: Mean, Median, and Midrange
- Probability
- Probability and Tree Diagram
- Probability trees
- rolling two dice-1
- Introduction to Probability ---- The Rolling of a Die