Helpful Tips & Tricks

Distance Learning with GeoGebra Classroom

GeoGebra Classroom can also be used together with distance learning platforms (such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc.). With GeoGebra Classroom teachers can:
  • interact virtually with students in real time
  • see the progress of the students without the students having to share their screens
  • have discussions with the group
  • show possible solutions by sharing the screen and showing the work of (anonymized) students

Structure your Lessons

Once you have assigned a GeoGebra Lesson, a card redirecting to that Lesson will appear on your Profile Page. We recommend to structure your Lessons in folders to make it easier to organize any Lessons you have created. You may structure your Lessons and resources by creating folders for certain topics, courses, groups or dates. See GeoGebra Folders to learn more about creating and using folders to organize your GeoGebra resources.

Context Menu of a Lesson

When opening the context menu of a Lesson by selecing the More button you get the following possibilities:
View OriginalSelect View Original to see the original Activity or Book the Lesson was created with.
Note: This can be helpful if you want to create another Lesson out of the resource or if you would like to edit the Activity or Book.
RenameSelect Rename to change the name of the Lesson.
Note: You may want to add the course or group name or date to the Lesson name.
Move toSelect Move to to move the Lesson to a folder on your Profile Page.
Note: You can structure your Lessons and resources by creating folders for certain courses, groups or dates.
DeleteSelect Delete to delete your Lesson. The whole Lesson and all student answers will be removed.
Note: You will have to confirm the deletion so that the Lesson isn't deleted by accident.

Edit and Add Tasks

If you want to edit the tasks of a Lesson, you need to be the author of the original Activity you created a Lesson from.
1.In your GeoGebra Lesson open the context menu and select View Original. 
2.The original resource opens in a new tab. In the original Activity open the context menu in the upper right corner and select Edit Activity.
Note: You can only edit the Activity if you are the author of the resource and signed in with your GeoGebra Account.
3.Now you can edit the tasks or add additional tasks.
4.The changes are automatically applied to the Lesson.
If you have created a Lesson out of a Book, you may edit individual Activities or even the whole Book (e.g.: add chapters or new Activities). Note: You may create a Lesson out of a Book and add more and more chapters and content to it over a period of time.

Create more Lessons from one Resource

You can assign as many Lessons from one resource (Activity, Book) as you want. For example, if you want to distribute a material in different courses or to different groups, you can assign as many Lessons as you want by clicking on ASSIGN in the original resource over and over again. If you change the original material (e.g. add another task), this change is visible in all Lessons.

Use GeoGebra Classroom for Homework

GeoGebra Classroom can be used not only in synchronous, but also in asynchronous phases of lessons. For example, assignments for homework with GeoGebra Classroom can be distributed. If a certain deadline has been agreed, you can pause the Lesson at this point so that the students can no longer work on the tasks.

Remove a Student from a Lesson

If you would like to remove a student from your Lesson (because for example she/he has joined the Lesson twice by accident), you can select the More button from the student card on the Lesson Overview and choose Delete. Note: The student and all her/his answers will be removed from the Lesson.