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Linear Transformations

Linear Transformations between Vector Spaces

We extend our definition of linear transformation to general vector spaces in a straightforward way: Definition: Let and be two vector spaces and be a linear transformation from to if for any in for any real number and in Here are some examples of linear transformations: Example 1: Let such that for any in . Example 2: Let such that for any in . Example 3: Let be the vector space of all continuous functions from to . We define as follows: for any and Example 4: Let such that . is called the left shift operator of sequences. Compositions of two linear transformations is again a linear transformation. The definitions of injective, surjective, and bijective linear transformations are essentially the same as before. Bijective linear transformations are also called isomorphisms. Two vector spaces are said to be isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism between them.

Kernel and Image

Given a linear transformation, we define the following two important subspaces: Definition: Let be a linear transformation. Then is called the kernel of , denoted by . And is called the Image of , denoted by . is a subspace of and is a subspace of . (Why?) By definition, a linear transformation is surjective if and only if . And the kernel is useful for detecting whether a linear transformation is injective thanks to the following theorem: Theorem: is injective if and only if . The proof is essentially the same as the proof of the similar theorem that we had before. A useful relation between the dimensions of and is given by the following theorem: Theorem: Suppose is a linear transformation and is finite-dimensional. Then . The following is a useful corollary of the above theorem: Corollary: Suppose is a linear transformation.
  1. Suppose . Then is injective if and only if is surjective.
  2. If is bijective, then
is called the rank of and is called the nullity of . Hence, the above theorem is sometimes called the rank-nullity theoerm.

Proof of the Rank-nullity theorem

Since is finite-dimensional, so is . Let . We can find a basis for such that i.e. is a basis for . If , is the zero linear transformation and . Hence the theorem is true. Assume , we consider . We will show that it is a basis for : For any in , there exists in such that . Write . Then since for . Hence . Then we need to show that is a linearly independent set. Suppose for some real numbers . Then we have , which means is in . Therefore, for some real numbers . Rewrite it as follows: Then for because is a linearly independent set. In particular, . Hence is a linearly independent set. Therefore, .


For any positive integer , define such that for any in . Find . Hence, or otherwise, show that is surjective.

Let . Define such that for any in . Show that is a linear transformation. Find the rank and nullity of .