A Picture Tells A Thousand Words - Team E
Simulation Discs
Now check your measurements with the discs and ruler. Tick the box "Trendlinie" in the simulation Circle to connect the points. Do the digital values fit your measurements? If so, describe how you determined this. Or don't they fit? Then fiind reasons why and write them down.
Such a graph can be described well with words. Give reasons why these words are suitable to describe your graph in the simulation: a) increase b) steady c) straight
Now bring together your statement on the correlation between diameter and circumference in task 8 and the description of the graph in the previous task to formulate a summary statement.
Well done! Now you can calculate the length of the rope needed. Sarah and Max have to tie it three times around the trunk (diameter: 40 cm). Two branches (daimeter: 18 and 21 cm) need a double wrapping. Another branch has to be circled only once (diameter 16 cm). They calculate additional 40 cm of rope for each knot. Write down your calculation here: