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Goodness of fit test


A toy company sells trading cards with animal prints. The company claims that 25% of the cards are reptiles, 60% mammals, and 15% are birds. Suppose a random sample of 100 cards has 20 reptiles, 55 mammals, and 25 birds. Is this consistent with the company claim? Use a 0.05 level of significance.


1. Open the tab Statistics.
2. Choose the Goodness of Fit Test as your preferred test from the drop-down list.
3. Select a number of 3 rows, because there are 3 different categories, the mammals, the reptiles and the birds.
4. In the column Observed Count type in the observed numbers of cards, 20 reptiles, 55 mammals and 25 birds. 
5.In the column Expected Count type in the claimed numbers of cards, 25 reptiles, 60 mammals and 15 birds.
6.Check the Result section to interpret the relevant parameter values for your statistical test.
Note: GeoGebra automatically calculates the corresponding probability based on a normal distribution (P), the degrees of freedom (df) and the chi-square test statistic (X2).

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