Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Circumference of a circle.


Circumference of the circle or perimeter of the circle is the measurement of the boundary across any two-dimensional circular shape including circle. The Circumference (or) perimeter of a circle = 2πR . where, R is the radius of the circle π is the mathematical constant with an approximate (up to two decimal points) value of 3.14 .


Student will be able to find the circumference of circle with a visual experience ,

User Guideline;-

Use Start and Stop button then see carefully about the animation of figure.

Construction Protocol

1)Open Geogebra graphics window, 2) Take a point O(0,0) from input bar, 3)Take another point A(0,1),from tool bar, 4)Then take a segment with given length (6.28) from the point A, 5)Take a slider(0.1,6.28,0.01), 6)Take another point c from input bar , C=(a,1), 7)Take a circle with Radius (1) on point C , 8)Take a point D on given circle using by point on object Tool, 9)Then take another D' point by using input bar ,Rotate(D,-a,C), 10) Now using circular Arc from tool bar then click on C,D,D' respectively , 11) Then OD by using a segment , 12) Finally show or hide line ,object,level and design from different color for satiable visualization of applet.

Test your Outstanding

Circumference of circle is =............... .

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Check my answer (3)