N=3 2R-Virtual Wheel (Reuleaux triangle-Frame3)
This "Reuleaux triangle wheel" toy is very interesting indeed.
cf. N=3 2R-Virtual Wheel (Reuleaux triangle-Omusubi) ------ parent.
If ▲ locates just on B/C/D ○,
○ form. ― pushes ○ node.
One of (or both) Yellow bars is/ are hanging bar/ bars.
Two ▲ exchange the B/C/D in round-robin order. ---- i.e. ▲ is like a brachiation switching hand.
Orange bar is gibbon's arm itself.
■ In this method, the slant chassis is OK.
(i.e. Node A ● is the end of the slant chassis.)
| \ / slant stick
| / \
| / \
| / /
| ● /
| /
■ A-GA ⊥ the ground ----- Please prove mathematically. --- this is easy problem.
■ Initial Condition
To start this system, you sholud set one ▲ on one ○ (=B/C/D) by your hand.
This is the initial condition of the wheel.
(Analogy: The player of high bar must catch the bar, first.)
Further, Please add the Grip-on/ off control.
(On orange-bar± 60° angle point (or pink-bar = horizontal ), Exchange grip-on ⇔ grip-off.)
[ In Z0H interval, two hands move reverse direction, in HI interval , both move same direction.
In HI interval, two hands and node A are just on the equilateral-triangle corners. ]
Orange range : from -60° to +60°.
Pink range: -180° ~ +180°.
◥ valve/ ratchet mechanism will be useful.