Experience Workshop’s 4Dframe Giant Dome
Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement, Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi (University of Jyväskylä), Dr. Markus Hohenwarter & Diego Lieban (Johannes Kepler University)
THU September 8, 2016 , 10 am – 7:30 pm
POSTCITY, 1st floor
Let’s build a giant dome!
Help us to figure out how to build up Experience Workshop’s Event Space, a 3 meters high, 5 meters wide geodesic dome from almost 1000 separate modules! We will use the Korean 4Dframe for building and the community-based software GeoGebra for planning and solving the problems mathematical and artistic problems we face during the construction process!
The result will be a structurally similar construction, like the wireframe of the world largest ice dome, which was realized in Finland in 2014 by the Dutch architect Arno Pronk and his international team. When we are ready, let’s go inside the dome and continue with Radical Structures to explore the fun-world of maths&arts through play, collaborative problem-solving & interactive design.